

Author S. J. Forss’ new book, ‘Frostbiting Winter’ is a faith-based sequel following one family’s battle for survival in terrifyingly frigid temperatures

Recent release "Frostbiting Winter" from Covenant Books author S. J. Forss is a captivating tale of a family stuck in a subzero Alaskan winter, caught unprepared. Without proper shelter and little means to obtain supplies, they rely on faith to guide them through life-threatening decisions.

NEW YORK - August 16, 2022 - (Newswire.com)

S. J. Forss, a talented author, has completed her new book, "Frostbiting Winter": a compelling tale of a family stranded in the frozen Tundra.

"A sequel to Logan's Adventures Book 1, Frostbiting Winter ventures to relive the true-life experience of perhaps the most frightening subzero temperatures that human life has ever encountered.

"Winter arrives early for Logan and his family on their Alaskan wilderness homestead. Without a cabin built and little means to purchase supplies, they are forced to survive a brutally cold, frostbiting winter while living in their plastic shelter.

"Logan's father is sure that he can keep their barrel stove from ever going out, but can their plastic shelter withstand the dangerously cold temperatures?

"Unexpected tragedy tries to prevent the family from staying together. Logan seeks God's wisdom as the family is faced with a life-threatening decision while struggling to hold on to a self-sufficient life on their homestead."

Published by Covenant Books of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, S. J. Forss' new book follows one family through their harrowing journey of survival as tragedy tears them apart and they struggle to put their faith in hope.

Readers can purchase "Frostbiting Winter" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

Covenant Books is an international Christian-owned and -operated publishing house based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Covenant Books specializes in all genres of work that appeal to the Christian market. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Covenant Books at 843-507-8373.   

Press Release Service by Newswire.com

Original Source: Author S. J. Forss' new book, 'Frostbiting Winter' is a faith-based sequel following one family's battle for survival in terrifyingly frigid temperatures

Author Leah Beth Collins’ new book, ‘Rarest of Blues’ is a faith-based love story of hidden secrets, inspired journeys, and dedicated passion

Recent release "Rarest of Blues" from Covenant Books author Leah Beth Collins is a captivating romance following a young girl who leaves her life behind to embark on a journey of discovering the relevance of World War I letters. Sam's journey leads her to a man who is inspired by her courage to face her fear and their journey of faith begins together.

DAYTON, Tenn. - August 16, 2022 - (Newswire.com)

Leah Beth Collins, a Christian University graduate with a BA in English, has completed her new book, "Rarest of Blues": a faith-based tale of romance, redemption and hidden secrets.

Collins shares, "How can love letters from a World War I correspondence still be relevant?

"After abruptly leaving college, Samantha Schuyler sets out to find an answer on her sojourn to Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Finishing a tour in Iraq, Coastie Kyle Kincaid settles into civilian life. While touring the art district, Sam stops at a quaint coffeehouse and encounters Kyle Kincaid. Integrous, Kyle is determined to earn her trust. Vulnerable, Sam is determined to keep her darkest secret hidden until love's tenderness softens her resolve.

"Inspired by Sam rekindling her passion for art, Kyle renews his passion for politics. While Kyle gets closer to realizing his dream, Sam faces her worst nightmare, returning to the place she fears most. In a cruel twist of fate, Kyle finds himself torn between the life he leads and a life without Sam.

"Shattered dreams and broken trust are the obstacles on the path to forgiveness. If romance is a buoy, then redemption is an anchor. The words that have the power to trade yesterday's hurt for tomorrow's hope can be found in unexpected places. Through God's grace and mercy, life can surprise us with the rarest of blues."

Published by Covenant Books of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, Leah Beth Collins' new book follows the romance of two that meet by chance in spite of the consequences that threaten to tear them apart.

Readers can purchase "Rarest of Blues" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

Covenant Books is an international Christian-owned and -operated publishing house based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Covenant Books specializes in all genres of work that appeal to the Christian market. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Covenant Books at 843-507-8373.

Press Release Service by Newswire.com

Original Source: Author Leah Beth Collins' new book, 'Rarest of Blues' is a faith-based love story of hidden secrets, inspired journeys, and dedicated passion

Author Mark Conrad’s new book, ‘Whatever Happened to the Biblical Church?’ is an educating read discussing the loss of faith in America

Recent release "Whatever Happened to the Biblical Church?" from Covenant Books author Mark Conrad is a compelling read sharing his perspective of why there has been a loss of Christianity, of belief, church attendance, and open worship in America.

FALL RIVER, Mass. - August 16, 2022 - (Newswire.com)

Mark Conrad, a retired United States Naval officer and proud father and grandfather, has completed his new book, "Whatever Happened to the Biblical Church?":  a faith-based work discussing the lessening of Christianity in America.

Conrad shares, "It already happened in Europe, and now, it is happening in America. Christianity, once the dominant element of our culture, is dying. Pastors are leaving their pulpits in droves. Churches are closing or see declining attendance. More and more people have little to no interest in attending church services even on Easter and Christmas! This decline is especially noticeable in the part of America where the Gospel first arrived—the northeast! Why is this happening, and can anything be done to reverse these critical trends? For over two thousand years, the Church of Jesus Christ has moved from its original bold, open-air, service-oriented outreach to a cloistered inside a building existence adversely impacting the Gospel. Christians rarely share their faith even with their loved ones. More and more being a Christian means to be an enemy of the progressive nature of our society. Whatever Happened to the Biblical Church? addresses the reasons for this departure from the New Testament church and Christianity and gives applicable, first-century solutions to avoid and overcome this lapse into the post-Christian culture. But in order to understand let alone accept these solutions Christians and especially Christian leaders must understand that the church as we know it today is not what is found in the New Testament. We must return to the local gathering, discipleship oriented and open-air ministries that existed when Christ commanded his followers to 'be witnesses for me.'"

Published by Covenant Books of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, Mark Conrad's new book shares his perspective on why there has been a lack of faith and why Christianity has become a sort of enemy of the progressive mindset along with how it can be remedied.

Readers can purchase "Whatever Happened to the Biblical Church?" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

Covenant books is an international Christian-owned and -operated publishing house based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Covenant Books specializes in all genres of work that appeal to the Christian market. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Covenant Books at 843-507-8373.   

Press Release Service by Newswire.com

Original Source: Author Mark Conrad's new book, 'Whatever Happened to the Biblical Church?' is an educating read discussing the loss of faith in America

Author James Stone’s new book, ‘REVELATION: The Great Wonder’ is a captivating tale that sheds new light on the book of Revelation in the...

Recent release "REVELATION: The Great Wonder" from Covenant Books author James Stone is a faith-based tale detailing the findings of the Book of Revelation and the signs and symbols found within its pages.

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. - August 16, 2022 - (Newswire.com)

James Stone, founder and president of Christian Ministries Inc. with six decades of experience in ministry, has completed his new book, "REVELATION: The Great Wonder":  an intriguing faith-based read discussing the Book of Revelation.

Stone shares, "The book of Revelation reveals the apocalypse of Jesus Christ with its consequential consummation of the kingdom of God on earth. This 'great wonder' (the words of the author of Revelation) would be the greatest apocalyptic event in the history of the created world. With its fabulous word pictures of a great red dragon, a woman clothed with the sun, a slaughtered lamb standing, and the mysterious 666 with its mark of the beast, the things which John saw are primarily spiritual in nature, and therefore, they are often expressed in rich, powerfully laden allegories and metaphors. Within the generation between the resurrection of Christ and the destruction of Jerusalem, the story of Revelation is how the power of the risen Christ enables believers to overcome the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet as portrayed in the visions of John."

Published by Covenant Books of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, James Stone's new book offers an in-depth analysis and provides insight into the power of Christ that dwells within every believer unlocking the God-given power to overcome.

Readers can purchase "REVELATION: The Great Wonder" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

Covenant Books is an international Christian-owned and -operated publishing house based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Covenant Books specializes in all genres of work that appeal to the Christian market. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Covenant Books at 843-507-8373.   

Press Release Service by Newswire.com

Original Source: Author James Stone's new book, 'REVELATION: The Great Wonder' is a captivating tale that sheds new light on the book of Revelation in the Bible

Author Dawn Miles’ new book, ‘PAST PERFECTION’ is an autobiographical tale of a girl who wished to escape the rumor mill of her small...

Recent release "PAST PERFECTION" from Covenant Books author Dawn Miles is a captivating tale of a young girl who leaves her small hometown for college in the hopes of escaping the rumor mill and messy wreckage of relationships. When her hopes of a flawless future with her former flame are unexpectedly interrupted, she learns God's plan for every believer is always better than their own.

ADVANCE, N.C. - August 16, 2022 - (Newswire.com)

Dawn Miles, a talented author, has completed her new book, "PAST PERFECTION": a compelling autobiographical novel.

"Your past doesn't have to define you. But memories of your history may haunt you longer than you'd like, especially when your life is driven by a consuming desire for perfection and fueled by a life of partying.

"Leah Gaylord's attempts to succeed in the social scene of her Midwestern small-town high school leave her wounded after a web of repeated betrayals and broken hearts. Scarred by her experiences with senior Seth Maddux at age thirteen, foolishly addicted to the hope her relationship with Lance Rushford could be real beyond their weekends partying together—Leah repeatedly sabotages her chance to get it right with the good guy, Connor Waverly.

"A three-sport athlete and farmer's daughter, Leah finds some comfort in the cyclical nature of sports and the seasons but is convinced that escaping the swirling rumor mill of Arrow City would free her desperate soul. She leaves for college, expecting her future to unfold flawlessly once Connor returns, but Leah must learn she's not in control, and everything works out according to God's perfect plan, not hers.

"With raw transparency, this young adult autobiographical novel highlights God's redemption after a messy tangle of teenage turmoil, but also demands that you guard your heart because even in God's goodness, lingering layers of scars may follow you forever."

Published by Covenant Books of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, Dawn Miles' new book finds romance and faith paving two different paths for one young girl who wished for nothing more than to escape her small-town life.

Readers can purchase "PAST PERFECTION" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

Covenant Books is an international Christian-owned and -operated publishing house based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Covenant Books specializes in all genres of work that appeal to the Christian market. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Covenant Books at 843-507-8373.   

Press Release Service by Newswire.com

Original Source: Author Dawn Miles' new book, 'PAST PERFECTION' is an autobiographical tale of a girl who wished to escape the rumor mill of her small town life

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